With new and existing customers managing to get in to see the stock, parts and displays and talk to staff we feel our visitors took away valuable information to help maintain their car or help with a project. The understanding of Revington TR’s ethos is also reinforced on these days. Customers understand better what we are trying to do with the best quality parts being supplied to the market place. We talk to customers to try to resolve issues and give the best advice, not just sell parts if they are not required. We feel this process is appreciated by our customers and frequently hear that you appreciate this level of service.
We ran 2 raffles on the day, the free raffle on sign in and a raffle for Barnado’s. All prizes were eventually claimed. One gentleman in the charity raffle won 2 prizes and another who said “I never win anything” won the 3rd and final prize, a green TR4 soft-top Hornby collectable to go with his own TR4 soft top. The free draw prizes were also allocated to the winners on the day.
Neil gave an excellent talk on suspension, which was well received by all. Giving attendees a better understanding of how suspension works on a TR and how our integrated suspension kits improve the handling significantly, more on this from Neil later in the report.
So, all in all a fantastic day. A comment heard on the day was “I could walk around here all week and not get bored” is true. Unfortunately he had to leave but the good news is we are going to do it all again next year. It will be about the same weekend so pencil it in your diary now and keep an eye out for the exact date. You will be notified through the newsletter via Twitter (sign on if you are not already following Revington TR) or any of the many other ways we now have in this techno world. Thanks again to everyone and I will speak to you throughout the year I am sure. I will now hand you over to Neil for his perspective on the day’s events,
Alan Goodwin

All of our staff; Dave, Bill, Alan from parts, Carl and Dan from the workshop and family members Marcus, Natalie and Sue, were all on hand on the day. So while thanking everyone who came along, I would also like to thank all staff and family members for making the event so successful.
As this year was a significantly larger affair then last year we would expect growth again for next year and will be thinking in the intervening months of ways of making the day even more interesting so that a repeat visit will remain worthwhile.
Once again thanks to everyone who took the trouble to turn up, I hope the day was valuable and that you took away some knowledge that you didn’t know before. I look forward to seeing you all again next year.
Neil Revington
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