Blyton Test Day 3rd June 2013 |
If you missed this you missed a great day - so read on and see why you should have been there.
For us from the south of England it was a long drive up to Blyton but while
we anticipated a great day of testing we could not anticipate how good it
really was going to be. The team from Revington, Neil, Sue, Marcus, Natalie and
Cole set off on Sunday to ease the pain
of the journey. Staying in the area overnight on Sunday made the start to the
day a lot easier for them.
Sunday dawned with a forecast for a clear day with
very low wind and for once the forecast was correct. Clear blue skies from
start to finish with only a hint of a breeze. The race-box and awning were
erected to provide sun shade rather than cover from the rain and
the test day began.
We took 6VC so that Marcus, Natalie and Toby
could see how the car performed and get to grips
with its handling. After the safety briefing the car was on the go all day with
only short breaks for drivers and car to allow both to take a short breather
and advantage of the free tea and coffee that was on offer all day. The track
was busy the whole day with the 20 cars and 50 drivers exploring both their own
and their cars limits. It truly was a great circuit to have a test day with
wide run off areas, no Armco or other barriers to spoil someones day.
We took a few spares from stock to support the event, normal service items
that we thought drivers might need during the day, oil, plugs, points, belts
etc but fortunately we did not need to open the boxes.
Neil said that “it was great a day giving Marcus Natalie and Toby an
opportunity to explore the cars limits without the pressure of being in a
competitive environment and on such a wide open circuit. This will give them a
great start to a new season which I know they are all looking forward to”.
We are already being asked when the next day will be. We are fairly certain
there will be another so watch out for the next date and make sure you book
your slot, you will not be disappointed.
3 Novice drivers with grins nearly as wide as the track
For more information regarding the RevingtonTR and TR Register Hill climb and Sprint Championship please contact us by one of the links listed below.
Tel +44 (0) 1823 698437
Skype RevingtonTR
There is now a video sequence available on the blog as well. It give a bit more of the flavour of the day. This could be you! Why not join in the RevingtonTR / TR Register Hill climb and Sprint Championship event that is run each year.