Tuesday 14 February 2012

RevingtonTR Customer Survey - February 2012

Alan Goodwin
General Manger
A request from Alan to support the RevingtonTR survey

At RevingtonTR we are keen to hear what our customers think of what we believe is a great company. But we are never complacent and want to know what our customers think. Your feedback will help us build a better company, building on the good points and removing those that are not so good.  If you would like to take part in a very short question and answer session please send an e mail to info@revingtontr.com just with "Survey" in the subject line. If there is a preferred daytime number please include that as well.  We will get back to you once the process commences and look forward to hearing your views.

If there are other items that you would like to see in the blog please let us know by e-mailing info@revingtontr.com. Your feedback is always appreciated. 

As usual, please share this with a friend. Thanks for your continued support. Alan

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