The Complete Story of the Triumph TR
Marque from TR2-6. Including archive footage & Interviews with their
In previous Newsletters we have advertised John Clancy's
excellent collection of Triumph DVD's. The latest of which and most relevant to
us and our customers is Traditional Triumph
TR. This
Double DVD is now in Stock! John has excelled himself with this exceptional history
of our much beloved marques and we at Revington TR think it’s his best DVD
yet....not that we’re biased!

The Bonus Disc contains:
outstanding gathering of ex-works cars from the earliest TR2's to the last of
the line TR7V8's. (40mins approx.)
'A DAY AT REVINGTON TR' where we get a close-up look at
Revington's marvellous TRS, take a ride in an ex-works TR4 and learn about some
of the modification and reliability improvements RevingtonTR have made
available to Triumph owners. (20mins approx.)
'MORE MEN BEHIND THE MOTORS' featuring an extended interview
with Standard Triumph engine development maestro, Dennis Barbet. (10mins
'TRIUMPH MARQUE DAY 2010' - better than actually being there
at this amazing day in May 2010. See all the Triumphs tackle the famous
Prescott Hill Climb and enjoy the wonderful cavalcade of all models from the
Standard Triumph marque. (20mins approx.)
In total the Double DVD amounts to 3 hours of
Triumph TR Action!
This DVD as well as all the other Triumph DVD’s John has
produced are available online
to buy at revingtontr.com, the perfect gift for Christmas!